Bringing motion to vr

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what we do

Delivering a thrilling location based virtual reality experience using the tools required to build a metaverse.


With 8 sensory effect and 5 degrees of freedom Haptec truly brings motion to virtual reality


Our market leading procedurally generated content engine rapidly delivers new experiences


Our unique combinations of hardware and software allows thrilling team challenges

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Coming Soon to London!



Haptec will be rolling out dedicated Experience Centres where virtual reality enthusiasts, first timers and even corporate teams can come and be thrilled by something you cannot do at home!

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Experience the power of the Haptec platform at events, cinemas or perhaps even in your office campus! Our simulators are both mobile and profitable for our partners.

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 HAVE to SAY...

WITH OUR Launch coming soon we decided to get experts to try our simulators

"The closest to the real thing and certainly the most immersive experience I’ve seen during my career with F1"

Mikey Brown, Formula 1 Team Force India

"Sensations are comparable to Professional racing simulator. Very smart design."

Guillaume Le Geoff – The Grid Agency CEO and Pierre Gasly Manager

"…it is so close to the real racing experience… it really adds to the driving experience."

Romain Leroux– 2021 French GT4 Champion

"The feeling is exceptional. Very different to any other platform I have tested so far."

James Russell, E-Racing Team Manager in Asia